Indispensable and unique: the GRACE missions

Under this menu item, we have compiled a lot of interesting facts about the GRACE satellite missions for you. The measuring principle is as simple as it is ingenious, you will learn why a pair of satellites is always needed to carry out measurements of the Earth's gravitational field and how the data is collected and analysed.

The involvement of the space agencies - the US space agency NASA, the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and, in future, the ESA as part of GRACE - is described, as is the role of GRACE at the GFZ.

The construction of satellites requires strong partners from industry; in the satellite technology section, we present the close and successful collaboration with Airbus. Numerous national and international cooperations have also contributed to the great success of GRACE and GRACE-FO.

At the end of this section, we take a look into the future and show you under Next Generation how we will continue the success story of the GRACE satellite missions together with our scientific and commercial partners.