
HELMHOLTZ Podcast Resonator with Eva Boergens

Grafik Ansicht von Afrika auf Globus, ein Farbe die Wasserverfügbarkeit
Grafik: GFZ / M. Künsting

The geodesist and co-creator of this information platform Eva Boergens, geodesist in Section 1.3 Earth System Modelling at the GFZ, was recently a guest on the Helmholtz Association's science podcast Resonator.

Dr. Ulrike Sylla, GFZ


In a conversation with presenter Holger Klein on the topic of "Water and the Earth's gravity field", Eva talks about her work and explains the scientific background. Listeners learn lots of interesting facts about gravity and its uneven distribution, about the GRACE satellites and the Satellite Laser Ranging measurement method. Eva also explains why the GRACE missions are so unique and at the same time important in order to be able to adapt to changes in the terrestrial water balance in the future and initiate adaptation measures.

The podcast episode is available here (in German): https://resonator-podcast.de/2024/res203-wasser-und-das-erdschwerefeld/