
The influence of LRI observations on GRACE-FO gravity field models

© Filmhaus Berlin / GFZ

The continuous measurement of the distance between the two GRACE satellites is the primary observation for measuring temporal and spatial changes in the gravitational field. On GRACE and GRACE-FO, this was and is currently primarily based on microwave technology. On GRACE-FO, a Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI) was also operated for the first time as a technology demonstrator for future gravity field missions. This article presents and discusses some of the results of previous analyses at the GFZ using both techniques.

Dr. Markus Hauk, GFZ


The Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI) was integrated as a technology demonstrator on the current GRACE-FO satellite gravity field mission. As was already the case with GRACE, the primary measuring instrument for distance measurement on GRACE-FO is the microwave instrument, which measures in the K- and Ka-band and is often referred to as the K-band ranging (KBR) instrument. The measuring accuracy of the KBR is in the range of a few tenths of a micrometre. In addition, the LRI also measures the distance between the two satellites, whereby the measurement accuracy is around a factor of 1000 higher, i.e. in the nanometre range. Both instruments therefore provide highly accurate distance and derived distance change measurements in parallel in order to be able to draw conclusions about temporal and spatial changes in the Earth's gravitational field. The primary focus here is on mass changes in the polar ice sheets and variations in the continental hydrological water balance. The distance measurements and derived gravity field models therefore provide direct conclusions about climatic changes on Earth.

The LRI was activated shortly after the launch of the GRACE-FO mission on 11 June 2018 and has been working perfectly ever since. The distances were measured continuously up to and including June 2023, with a few minor planned interruptions. Since July 2023, the satellites have been in "nadir pointing mode". Although this mode still allows the KBR instrument to operate, it does not provide the highly accurate alignment of the satellites to each other required for the operation of the LRI. However, greater tolerances for the relative alignment of the satellites and an associated reduction in the number of nozzle activities of the attitude control system are necessary for the optimal evaluation of the accelerometer observations as solar activity increases. The advantage is that this reduces fuel consumption and extends the mission life time. However, the LRI is still switched on and is in diagnostic mode.

Measuring accuracy of Laser Ranging Interferometer and K-Band Ranging

Analysing the measurement data from both instruments produces a very similar picture of the monthly Earth gravity field, as can be seen in Fig. 1. The respective KBR and LRI gravity field solutions were filtered beforehand in order to reduce the dominant error structures caused by temporal aliasing and to visualise the actual mass change signals. Both measuring units therefore provide comparable gravity field data, reliably and independently of each other, which enables the continuous observation of mass changes on Earth. Despite the significantly higher measurement accuracy of the LRI compared to the KBR instrument, no significant differences can be detected, at least at the level of the globally spatially resolved Earth gravity field. The typical spatial error structures along the meridians (stripes in north-south direction) in the gravity field solutions are equally visible, albeit here in a reduced form due to the subsequent filtering. These error patterns are caused by temporal undersampling of geophysical gravity field signals due to periodic and non-periodic mass variations in the ocean and atmosphere. In principle, these should not be included in the final gravity field solution, as corresponding background models are used during data processing to reduce these short-wave signals, which have periods of only a few days or even hours, away from the target signal. However, these models are not error-free. The residual error is reflected in the form of temporal aliasing, e.g. by the aforementioned striping structures, in the resolved gravity field. This temporal aliasing is, in addition to the error of the accelerometers (measuring unit for determining the non-gravitational forces), the largest error influence in the monthly solutions of the Earth's gravity fields. The higher measurement accuracy of the LRI is dominated by these error influences and can therefore only be exploited to a limited extent with a single pair such as GRACE-FO.

Advantage of the LRI for estimated gravity field maps

However, when analyzing the estimated gravity field solutions in more detail, significant differences between KBR- and LRI-based models can also be identified. Fig. 2 shows the corresponding estimated gravity fields for January 2019 in the form of spherical harmonic coefficients in triangular form, separately for the sine (S) and cosine (C) coefficients for all degrees and orders up to 180 (corresponding to about 111 km spatial resolution). It is noticeable that the lower order coefficients in the LRI solution are better estimated than those in the KBR solution. This phenomenon increases with increasing degree. The advantage of the LRI over the KBR is therefore mainly in the area of the zonal and near-zonal coefficients, i.e. those around order 0. These coefficients reflect signals in the polar regions on Earth, and it can be assumed that the error components in this range are reduced by the LRI measurements. However, it must be emphasized again that this reduction is hardly or not at all visible in the final gravity field models of a single-pair solution, since the error components of the temporal aliasing described above are dominated by high-frequency geophysical signals. It therefore makes sense to continue developing improved background models of the oceanic tides and the transient dynamics in the atmosphere and ocean in addition to further improvements in sensor data analysis. Although the subsequent processing of the time-variable, monthly gravity field solution with digital filters leads to a significant reduction in error structures, it also reduces the spatial resolution and leads to the loss of the target signal in certain parts, which means that the high-frequency signal components are lost. As can be seen in Fig. 2, the LRI benefits from a higher spatial resolution of the time-variable monthly field, e.g. up to degree and order 180 instead of the usual order 96 (corresponds approximately to a spatial resolution of 208 km). It can therefore be assumed that in the case of the contribution to high-resolution static (i.e. averaged over many years) gravity fields by GRACE-FO, the high measurement accuracy of the LRI in the high frequency range can lead to visible improvements. This work is still pending, e.g. as part of the NEROGRAV research group.

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